Volume 74, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0165-2346
  • E-ISSN: 2773-1847



Daniël Chantepie de la Saussaye (1818-1874) was an important theologian in the first decades after the new constitution of the Netherlands in 1848. Representing the but with strong ties with calvinism and influenced by revivalism, he was vividly involved in debates about positioning and restructuring the Dutch Reformed Church. This article investigates his thoughts on church ministry. Important elements are the common priesthood of all believers (including their suffrage) and church ministry as ‘personification’ of the life of the Holy Spirit in the congregation. Comparing these thoughts with the most recent statement of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands on church ministry, a shift turns out towards a stronger ranking of it as apostolic, sharing the same vocation by Christ, and towards a privatization of church ministry as a means of the Holy Spirit besides the church communities. The typical reformed concept of ministry as ‘ministry of the Word’ is weakened.


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