Volume 28, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 1384-5829
  • E-ISSN: 2352-118X



By combining the traditional ‘’ concept – which served to understand the relation between the author’s world-view and that of the characters in his fiction (Elliott) – with present-day narratological views on authorship (Walsh) and a sociological analysis of the themes in (fictional and nonfictional) travel literature (Moroz), this article construes a new perspective on . This conceptualization of does not reduce a literary text to mere behaviour: rather, it is a narratological tool that allows us to understand the author as he struggles to write down his impressions, while negotiating with expectations that are formulated by the institutional and discursive conditions governing the literary field. This ‘new’ concept of serves as the starting-point for an analysis of Louis Couperus’ understanding of Japan in his travel books (1925) and (1924).


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