oa 1 Thess. 2:14-16
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 39, Issue 1, jan. 1985, p. 186 - 193
- 01 jan. 1985
The New Testament editions of Erwin Nestle and Kurt Aland (N13-N26) make mention of the fact that according to Rodrigues vss 15-16 in 1 Thess.2 were an interpolation and therefore should be eliminated. Who was this Rodrigues? It turns out that he was a Jewish author, who wrote several books on the New Testament and early Christianity. In one of these books (Les seconds chrétiens – Saint Paul, Paris 1876) there is a chapter (V=pp.225-236) on what he calls ‘The Interpolation’, in which he suggests that vss. 14-15 (and 16?) were a late insertion (after 135 A.D.) of an anti-judaic ‘Johannine’ type. The apparatus of N26 therefore should be emended at this place (ad 1 Thess.2,16c). My suggestion is to leave him out and to keep only the name of Ritschl (16c as an interpolation) in the apparatus criticus.