oa Het Achttiengebed in het Grieks?
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 52, Issue 2, apr. 1998, p. 124 - 138
- 01 apr. 1998
Papyrus Egerton 5 was published in 1935 as being a leaf from a Christian liturgical codex (ca. 400 AD). Subsequently two Jewish scholars tried to demonstrate that the Greek prayer text on that leaf was a short(ened) form of the Jewish Amidah (or Shemoneh Esreh = Eighteen [Benedictions]). In the past 55 years this text has fallen victim to complete oblivion. This article reopens the debate, summarizes the respective positions, and argues that the Jewish scholars were most probably right, albeit for reasons somewhat different than theirs.
© Pieter W. van der Horst