oa Het mensenoffer als literair motief in het middeleeuwse Ierland
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 58, Issue 1, jan. 2004, p. 46 - 60
- 01 jan. 2004
This article describes four of the twelve extant examples of the motif of human sacrifice in medieval Irish literature. One of these is extensively analysed: the narrative in prose and poetry about pre-Christian, annual child sacrifice on the Plain of Slécht from the dindshenchas, the collection of medieval etymological explanations of place names. The literary development of this narrative is investigated and it is argued that biblical descriptions of idolatry have been the main source of inspiration for this tale. This conclusion is then connected with the way in which the scribes/authors of medieval Irish literature dealt with the pre-Christian past in consecutive periods.
1Dit artikel is een ingekorte bewerking van ‘Human sacrifice in medieval Irish literature’, te verschijnen in J. N. Bremmer (red.). The Strange World of Human Sacrifice, Leuven 2004. Met dank aan Frida de Jong voor commentaar op een eerdere versie. Vertalingen in dit artikel zijn van mij, tenzij anders vermeld.