oa [A Fresh Look at the Polarization between ‘Israel’ and ‘Canaan’, Identiteitsvorming impliceert beeldvorming: De polariteit tussen ‘Israël’ en ‘Kanaän’ opnieuw bekeken]
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 60, Issue 3, aug. 2006, p. 222 - 234
In this article the relation between minority and majority is related to the process of identity forming in which a certain kind of mechanism can be perceived. The image presented of ‘the other’ will never be an objective image. The question is raised what it could mean for Christian systematic theology when this kind of mechanism appears to determine its heart. Christian theology is based upon the Deuteronomic theology which strongly contrasts ‘Israel’ and ‘Canaan’. Current research which questions the basis of this contrast and all its implications, calls for a renewal of theological constructions, and so for a theology which reflects the complexity of everyday life.
© 2018 Amsterdam University Press