oa [Eschatologie in na-oorlogs protestants Nederland, verkend aan de hand van de relatie met Israël, Thoughts on Eschatology and Israel in the Post-War Netherlands]
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 65, Issue 4, jan. 2011, p. 278 - 292
For the confessional mainstream of Dutch Protestantism, eschatological reflection had always centred on the return of Christ and the last judgment. This contribution examines how this focus changed during a process of rethinking the relationship between Christianity and Judaism. A new view, centred on justice and the coming of the Kingdom of God, emerged. Interestingly, opposition to this redefinition of eschatology was not restricted to classical Calvinists. An eschatological expectation in which the return of Jesus as the Messiah of Israel remained central was eloquently defended by Messianic Jews.
© 2018 Amsterdam University Press