Volume 37, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1567-7109
  • E-ISSN: 2468-1652



Research among the Dutch population indicates an undesirable trend of increasing segregation. Scientific literature shows that a solution lies in the strengthening of relationships between (groups) of citizens. Therefore, in this essay, we explore how The Peaceable Neighbourhood contributed to strengthening relationships between children, parents, other residents and professionals. We describe cases and practical experience based on research on the Peaceable Neighbourhood program. Findings show that the Children’s Council can act as a bridge between children and other groups of residents in their neighbourhood. There are also indications that relations among professionals working with children were mutually reinforced. However, strengthening relationships between parents and professionals (linking social capital) and between groups of parents (bridging social capital) seems less successful. Parents were often unable to take initiatives or deal with the, in their eyes, more powerful and competent professionals. Professionals had difficulties in giving up responsibility. As a result of the Peaceable Neighbourhood activities, networks of parents with the same migrant background became stronger (bonding social capital), but the strengthening of relationships with members of other populations remained behind. Practical experiences teaches us that with adequate and personal commitment of professionals, trust can be gained from (groups of) parents, who can, subsequently, connect with other (groups of) parents with more confidence.


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  • Soort artikel: Research Article
Keyword(s): children; parents; professionals; Segregation; social capital; The Peaceable Neighbourhood
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