Seksuele aantrekking tot hetzelfde geslacht, gender non-conformiteit en psychische klachten | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online
Volume 39, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1567-7109
  • E-ISSN: 2468-1652



The current study assessed, separately for boys and girls, the moderating effects of mother/father acceptance in the relationship of same-sex attraction (SSA) and gender nonconformity with psychological distress and social anxiety. Data were collected from 1,121 secondary school students (539 boys and 582 girls; age = 16.6) by means of a paper–pencil questionnaire. Multiple regression analyses showed that for boys, father acceptance moderated the associations of gender nonconformity with psychological distress (including depressive symptoms) and social anxiety. For boys with high levels of father acceptance, GNC was not significantly associated with psychological distress and social anxiety, when compared with boys with low and mean levels of father acceptance. Mother acceptance did moderate the association between SSA and social anxiety for girls. For girls with mean and high levels of mother acceptance, SSA was not associated with social anxiety, when compared with girls who reported low levels of acceptance by their mothers.


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  • Soort artikel: Research Article
Keyword(s): gender non-conformity; parental acceptance; same-sex attraction
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