Het belang van het behandelen van ouders bij een dreigende uithuisplaatsing van het kind; Kind IN Gezond Systeem (KINGS) | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online
Volume 40, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1567-7109
  • E-ISSN: 2468-1652



Kind IN Gezond Systeem; is a treatment model, developed for children with severe behavioural problems and their parents. The children and their parents are victims of major interpersonal events, such as domestic violence, sexual abuse, neglect and bullying (physical and/or emotional). KINGS focuses on trauma processing in the child and the parents, and on increasing the sensitivity, responsivity and parenting skills. The result must be that the child can develop into a healthy adult. Both parent and child will develop more trust in others, more self-confidence, and a safer image of the world. The model exists of three different phases, whereby the parent is one phase ahead of the child. The aim is that, if the child is in the last phase, the parent is able to support his or her treatment, as well as that all family members can safely go back to the healthy (family)system and can develop even further. At the moment there is only indirect evidence of the effectiveness of the model; further research on the process and results of the treatment processes are necessary and is actually initiated.


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  • Soort artikel: Research Article
Keyword(s): attachment; family treatment; KINGS; out-of-home placement; trauma
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