Volume 70, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0039-8691
  • E-ISSN: 2215-1214



This paper addresses the question to what extent Flemish subtitlers reproduce Belgian-Dutch colloquialisms of the spoken source text in the subtitles. Next to the official Belgian Standard Dutch language, Colloquial Belgian Dutch or is frequently spoken on Flemish television. In this context, it is particularly interesting to investigate whether the subtitlers copy those spoken colloquialisms to the subtitles or whether they translate them into standard language. This study compares the language used in twenty television programs to the corresponding subtitles in order to verify the linguistic choices of the subtitlers. In addition, it will be examined whether the subtitles contain more lexical colloquialisms than morphological or syntactic colloquialisms, and whether the program genre influences these choices. The results reveal that Colloquial Belgian Dutch lexemes are more often reproduced in subtitles on Flemish television than morphological and syntactic colloquialisms. Furthermore, it is shown that especially the subtitles of entertainment and comedy programs contain . Based on these results, we conclude that the demotization process in Flanders is not confining itself to the spoken registers, since it also manifests itself in certain written contexts.


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