Volume 6 Number 2
  • ISSN: 2468-2187
  • E-ISSN: 2468-2195



Marker Wadden is a large scale nature development project, consisting of the building of several small islands in the Markermeer. As the newest land reclamation project in The Netherlands, it attracts much (inter)national attention.

This article aims to situate the project within the long tradition of nature conservation and watermanagement in The Netherlands. Innovative, however, is the attention given to the spatial quality and the ‘Building-with-Nature’­principle, using natural processes to solve technical, ecological and social problems.

The first ecological results seem promising. But there is also criticism, for example on the spatial planning process and the effect on possible archaeological remains in the area.

Time will tell whether the Marker Wadden will be regarded as an important and innovative project in the history of nature conservation in The Netherlands.


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