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- Volume 53, Issue 2, 1999
NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion - Volume 53, Issue 2, 1999
Volume 53, Issue 2, 1999
Die Augen Leas ‘Rewritten Bible’ als ein Phänomen des 20. Jahrhunderts
1Übersetzt aus dem Niederländischen von W. Hilbrands.
Door C. HoutmanAbstractThe article has two parts: (1) A discussion of the disputed meaning of the adjective rakkôt ‘weak’, ‘tender’, ‘lovely’ etc.?), which is used in the description of Leah’s appearance in Gen. 29:17; only a negative interpretation is considered to be likely. (2) An analysis of the way in which biblical persons can be subject of a thorough metamorphosis in modem forms of ‘rewritten bible’, in family bibles, children’s bibles etc., judging from their presentation of Leah’s appearance.
Een Salmuriaan in Groningen: Jacques Gousset/Jacobus Gussetius (1635-1704) nader verkend
Door F.R.J. KnetschAbstract‘Gussetianism’ having been used as another term for Hebraism (the idea of Hebrew as the language of Adam and Eve), this article focuses on its sponsor Jacques Gousset. After his study in Saumur he became a minister of the Reformed Church of Poitiers (1652). Exiled by the Revocation (1685), he settled in Dordrecht where he wrote a partial refutation of Rabbi Isaac ben Abraham of Troki’s Hizuq Emunah (see Appendix: F-Fa). After having been appointed professor of philosophy and Greek, with permission to read theology, at Groningen University in 1691, he became very productive. He wrote philosophical tracts (App.: I, J, R), biblical studies (App.: G, H, L, M, O), a Hebrew Lexicon, showing his ‘Hebraist’ views (App.: P), and he completed his anti-judaist polemics (App.: Q). His physico-theological and rationalist way of argumentation allows us to consider this orthodox Calvinist as a precursor of the Enlightenment.
Tussen trauma en tolerantie Perspectieven op seksueel contact met kinderen in de context van kerk en geloof
Door R. Ruard GanzevoortAbstractAdult-child sexual interactions are a controversial issue within the church. Many experts argue that they should be regarded as sexual abuse. Advocates of the acceptance of paedophiles claim that these interactions are potentially beneficial. Through a comparison of publications from 1980 and 1998 and an analysis of a congregation confronted with adult-child sexual interactions, the author shows how various perspectives are adapted. These perspectives, wich reflect the underlying interests and power relations, determine the precise meanings of the words employed (e.g., sexual abuse, perpetrator, child sexual development, intimate relation). The author claims that moral evaluation of the reasoning of any party involved should take into account its specific perspective. This critical analysis of power relations and the various corresponding perspectives enables us to develop an adequate ecclesial policy.
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