
Purpose: The theoretical study aims to build a framework of writing non-fiction books on national culture for primary school children in the age of globalization so as to help children understand their identity and respect cultural differences as an educational solution to ensure cultural diversity and avoid cultural homogenization as a result of globalization. Methods: A literature review of related theories was carried out in order to build the theoretical framework. Findings: The framework includes the following components: contents, writing style, illustrations and length. Our findings point out that the contents of those books need to satisfy three requirements: (i) be able to create and construct “agency” and “identity”, (ii) integrate both global and local elements, (iii) and ensure cultural diversity. Regarding the writing style, the books need to have a logical structure with comprehensible language, accurate information, concrete examples that consider readers’ background with the tone that does not patronize children and brings the feeling that there is a real person behind the information. About illustrations, they need to be appealing and convey information related to the contents. The length should be suitable for the amount of vocabulary that children totally get the meaning. Moreover, it also depends on a specific with either opaque or transparent orthographies that can influence readers’ decoding fluency and the difficulty of the contents as well. Originality: The study contributes to building a theoretical framework as a suggestion for authors to follow to write non-fiction books on national culture for primary children in the age of globalization.


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