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- Volume 30, Issue 4, 2014
Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken - Volume 30, Issue 4, 2014
Volume 30, Issue 4, 2014
Meten is weten, als het mag...
By Ive MarxThis editorial offers an introduction to the current issue.This editorial offers an introduction to the current issue.
This editorial offers an introduction to the current issue.
Helpt inburgering migranten op de arbeidsmarkt?
Authors: Arend Odé & Miranda WitvlietAbstract titleAbstract title
Compulsory civic integration is an important integration tool of the Dutch government. Little is known, however, about the actual effects of this tool. This contribution examines the relationship between integration and social participation. It is shown that civic integration contributes positively to participation in the form of paid employment for newcomers and voluntary participants. After passing the civic integration exam, these groups are more likely to have a paid job than comparable groups without a civic integration diploma. For the group of oldcomers civic integration has no significant effect on their employment chances. The results have been obtained by linking a number of different databases, in particular the Social Statistical Database (SSB, data on participation) of Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and the ISI system (data on integration) of the Education Executive Agency (DUO). In the calculations of the effect of civic integration multiple regression analyses have been used. The article is based on research carried out by Regioplan, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) in 2013.
Uitzendbureaus: gekleurde doorgeefluiken?
Authors: Evelien Loeters, Anne Backer & Iris AndriessenAbstract titleAbstract title
Non-Western immigrants have a vulnerable position in the Dutch labour market. Discrimination may play a possible role in this position. Non-Western immigrants often find jobs through staffing agencies. This study therefore examined, with the use of situation tests, whether staffing agencies contribute to discrimination. We have tested if consultants from staffing agencies are willing to comply with discriminatory requests from fictitious customers (employers). To test this, the researchers called 187 staffing agencies pretending to be employers looking for employees. The fictitious employers requested the consultant to select employees, but demanded that the consultant would exclude candidates of a particular ethnic background. The consultants’ responses were consequently awaited, reported and analysed. In addition, we examined factors that made a possible difference in the amount of consultants that was willing to comply. Over 75% of the consultants were willing to comply with the discriminatory request, thereby undermining Dutch law.
De robots zijn welkom, mits…
More LessNu minister Asscher van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid er zijn toespraak op het SZW-congres van begin oktober aan wijdde, is het debat over de gevolgen van de technologische vooruitgang voor de werkgelegenheid in Nederland weer helemaal ‘hot’. Zeker als er dan ook nog ‘onderzoek’ de media in wordt geslingerd waaruit blijkt dat miljoenen banen op de tocht staan, is een hype van enige omvang vrijwel onontkoombaar. Het plezierige van hypes is dat ze ook weer zo voorbij zijn. Dan ontstaat opnieuw ruimte voor een serieuze en meer doordachte discussie over het onderwerp.
Regionale verschillen in duurzame inzetbaarheid
Authors: Oleg Boneschansker & John Klein HesselinkAbstract titleAbstract title
Sustainable employability is a new policy theme in the Netherlands to keep all employees healthy and productively employed until old age pension. The concept includes employees’ responsibility for health, education and mobility, and the enthusiasm of employers for creating optimal working conditions and prevention of premature leave. Policy makers aim to improve sustainable employability to increase the competitiveness of the Dutch economy and to decrease (costs of) unemployment as a consequence of employee disability, early retirement, and insufficient labor market mobility. Sustainable employability is measured by a sustainable employability profile (SE-profile) containing 17 indicators, describing both employer and employee characteristics. The SE-Profile has been derived from Kraan et al. (2011). This research note shows examples of regional differences in the distribution of characteristics of sustainable employment and elaborates on these differences by relating them to other regional characteristics. It furthermore provides suggestions for policy implementations at the regional level.
Sociale werkvoorziening: drie scenario’s voor de toekomst
Authors: Matthijs van Maris & Christine TeelkenAbstract titleAbstract title
The establishment of social employment (SE) and the employment of disabled people in the Netherlands has been the subject of debate for several decades. There are calls for more participation of people with disabilities into the regular labour market. The fundamental question in this debate is whether a far-reaching integration of people with disabilities into the mainstream labour market is possible and desirable and to what extent sheltered workshops will function in the future.This article analyses on the basis of a literature review, document analysis and interviews with 20 field experts, how social employment can be organized. To streamline the variety of these perception, we present three scenarios for the future: 1) a scenario where sheltered workshops act as intermediaries between employers, communities and employees, 2) a scenario where the social services have a central role in an integrated approach to different regulations and 3) a scenario, following the American model, where the employment of disabled people is left entirely to the market. The use of the system’s theory supports the provision of an overview in the differences and similarities between the three scenarios.
Kennismigranten in Nederland
Authors: Jeroen Ooijevaar & Caroline BloemendalAbstract titleAbstract title
In 2004, the Netherlands introduced work permits for highly skilled employees. This article focuses on the question what the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of migrants are and how they differ from regular labour migrants. By using the System of Social Statistical Datasets, all labour migrants who came to the Netherlands between 2005 and 2011 have been followed.Highly skilled migrants make up only a small part of the Dutch immigrant population. Three quarters of the population of highly skilled migrants are male and the largest groups are from India, America, Japan, Turkey and China. Highly skilled migrants earn considerably more than regular migrants and are overrepresented in the government and healthcare industries and information and communication industries. Although the work permits for highly skilled migrants are intended for temporary migration for a maximum of five years, a quarter of highly skilled migrants does not remigrate within that period. The differences indicate that work permits for highly skilled migrants seem to have succeeded to get high paid workers to the Netherlands. However, at the same time these kind of work permits discourage the aim to retain highly skilled talent to the Netherlands.
Auteursregister 2014
Adriaenssens, S., D. Verhaest, A. Van den Broeck, K. Proost & D. Berings, De arbeidsparticipatie van Vlaamse scholieren nr. 3, p. 281Andriessen, I., zie Loeters, E., A. Backer & I. AndriessenBacker, A., zie Loeters, E., A. Backer & I. AndriessenBeer, P. de, Column: Arbeid in de 21ste eeuw nr. 3, p. 257Berings, D., zie Adriaenssens, S., D. Verhaest, A. Van den Broeck, K. Proost & D. BeringsBierings, H. & H. Langenberg, CBS-berichten: Veranderingen op de arbeidsmarkt 2008-2013 nr. 2, p. 199Bloemendal, C., zie Ooijevaar, J. & C. BloemendalBoneschansker, O. & J. Klein Hesselink, Regionale verschillen in duurzame inzetbaarheid nr. 4, p.Boonen, E., zie Vanbelle, E., E. Boonen & H. De WitteBroeck, A. Van den, zie Adriaenssens, S., D. Verhaest, A. Van den Broeck, K. Proost & D. BeringsChkalova, K., zie Smits, W., J. de Vries, R. de Vries & K. ChkalovaDekker, F., Jong en werkloos: lid van een verloren generatie? nr. 2, p. 120Fruytier, B., zie Keesen, M., B. Fruytier & J. JanssenGier, E. de, Besprekingsartikel: ‘Bringing the work to the worker’: Henry Ford en honderd jaar fordisme nr. 1, p. 80Houwelingen, P. van, Inkomens(on)tevredenheid in Nederland en andere landen nr. 3, p. 224Janssen, J., zie Keesen, M., B. Fruytier & J. JanssenKeesen, M., B. Fruytier & J. Janssen, Schuivende panelen in het juridische werkveld: functie- en beroepsvorming van de HBO-jurist nr. 3, p. 238Klauw, M. van der, zie Koppes, L.L.J., M. van der Klauw & A. VenemaKlein Hesselink, J., zie Boneschansker, O. & J. Klein HesselinkKoopmans, C. & M. Volkerink, Zorgen overheidsbestedingen voor extra banen? nr. 1, p. 40Koppes, L.L.J., M. van der Klauw & A. Venema, Determinanten van arbeidsongevallen in Nederland: verschillen tussen een retrospectieve en prospectieve onderzoeksopzet nr. 1, p. 53Kösters, L. & M. Souren, CBS-berichten: De bijdrage van zelfstandigen aan de werkgelegenheid nr. 3, p. 302Langenberg, H., zie Bierings, H. & H. LangenbergLoeters, E., A. Backer & I. Andriessen, Uitzendbureaus: gekleurde doorgeefluiken? Een onderzoek naar het honoreren van discriminerende verzoeken door intercedenten van uitzendbureaus in Nederland nr. 4, p.Loog, B., W. Smits & R. de Vries, Arbeidsmarktdynamiek in Nederland: 2003-2013 nr. 1, p. 27Maris, M. van & C. Teelken, Sociale werkvoorziening: drie scenario’s voor de toekomst nr. 4, p.Meer, P. van der & R. Wielers, Tijdelijke banen en welzijn nr. 2, p. 141Meer, P.H. van der, Column: Flexibilisering van de arbeid en de arbeidsinkomensquote nr. 1, p. 66Mevissen, J., Column: Werkloosheid weg flexibiliseren? nr. 2, p. 138Montizaan, R. & T. van Vuuren, Krimp van organisaties en psychische disbalans nr. 2, p. 158Odé, A. & M. Witvliet, Helpt inburgering migranten op de arbeidsmarkt? nr. 4, p.Ooijevaar, J. & C. Bloemendal, CBS-berichten: Kennismigranten in Nederland nr. 4, p.Pot, F., Besprekingsartikel: Draagvlak van de cao en arbeidsverhoudingen 2025 nr. 2, p. 205Proost, K., zie Adriaenssens, S., D. Verhaest, A. Van den Broeck, K. Proost & D. BeringsSchippers, J., Column: Horizontale transities als loopbaanperspectief nr. 1, p. 69Schippers, J., Column: De robots zijn welkom, mits … nr. 4, p.Smits, W., J. de Vries, R. de Vries & K. Chkalova, CBS-berichten: Beroepsloopbanen van opeenvolgende geboortegeneraties nr. 1, p. 72Smits, W., zie Loog, B., W. Smits & R. de VriesSouren, M., zie Kösters, L. & M. SourenTeelken, C., zie Maris, M. van & C. TeelkenThijssen, L. & M.H.J. Wolbers, Intergenerationele sociale daling in Nederland nr. 3, p. 260Vanbelle, E., E. Boonen & H. De Witte, De sociale identiteit van werklozen: gevolgen voor het welzijn nr. 2, p. 175Venema, A., zie Koppes, L.L.J., M. van der Klauw & A. VenemaVerhaest, D., zie Adriaenssens, S., D. Verhaest, A. Van den Broeck, K. Proost & D. BeringsVolkerink, M., zie Koopmans, C. & M. VolkerinkVries, J. de, zie Smits, W., J. de Vries, R. de Vries & K. ChkalovaVries, R. de, zie Loog, B., W. Smits & R. de VriesVries, R. de, zie Smits, W., J. de Vries, R. de Vries & K. ChkalovaVuuren, T. van, zie Montizaan, R. & T. van VuurenWent, R., Column: De robots [komen eraan] zijn er al nr. 2, p. 195Wielers, R. & P.I. Wiersma, Deeltijdwerk en gelijkheid nr. 1, p. 6Wielers, R., zie Meer, P. van der & R. WielersWiersma, P.I., zie Wielers, R. & P.I. WiersmaWitte, H. De, zie Vanbelle, E., E. Boonen & H. De WitteWitvliet, M., zie Odé, A. & M. WitvlietWolbers, M.H.J., Een verloren generatie van jongeren op de arbeidsmarkt? nr. 2, p. 103Wolbers, M.H.J., zie Thijssen, L. & M.H.J. Wolbers
Auteursregister 2015
Andriessen, S., zie Dorenbosch, L., O. Boneschansker, B. Fermin, S. Andriessen, J. Sanders & G. Geuskens
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