oa De retorische oefening als didactisch middel
Didactische rubriek
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Lampas, Volume 50, Issue 2, Jan 2017, p. 173 - 189
This article presents the rhetorical exercise as a valuable addition to the didactic toolbox of teachers. First, the rise of rhetoric as an educational system is traced throughout antiquity, starting from Plato’s objections against rhetoric. In addition, I discuss the nature and philosophical acceptability of rhetoric by considering Aristotle, Isocrates and Quintilian. Second, I offer an analysis of the didactic value of rhetoric, drawing from ancient as well as modern sources. It is argued that rhetoric is didactically effective. It helps students to develop sound arguments and think critically, and it provides a simple and easily applicable method for everyday use in the classroom. Finally, a rhetorical exercise, historically situated in Livy’s description of the abolition of the Bacchanalia, is described. This serves as an example of how rhetorical exercises can be used to intellectually challenge students and help them understand ancient texts more thoroughly.