Volume 56, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 0165-8204
  • E-ISSN: 2667-1573



Ever since its discovery in 1528, the has regularly drawn the attention of scholars of Roman law. The focus of legal historical research on the tablet mostly concerns the content of both the request of the of Gaul and the which followed it. Central to this discussion are two passages from Tacitus’ (11.23.1 and 11.25.1). On the basis of these texts, this article discusses the two most important legal aspects of the . The first part will focus on the background and interpretation of the request of the Gauls. It will be argued that the petitioned the emperor for the right to wear the , which would enable them to stand for office in Rome and enter the senate. In the second part of this article, the consideration of the request in Rome (by the emperor and his and by the senate) will be discussed, resulting in the conclusion that – in contrast to what has often been suggested in modern literature – the Gauls (or rather the Aedui) were awarded the right to wear the rather than being directly adlected into the senate.


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