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- Volume 16, Issue 2, 2011
KWALON - Volume 16, Issue 2, 2011
Volume 16, Issue 2, 2011
Praktijkgericht onderzoek
Authors: Gerben Bruins & Edward GroenlandEditorialEditorial
This editorial offers an introduction to the current issue.
Methoden en technieken in kwalitatief onderzoek
More LessMethods and techniques in qualitative researchMethods and techniques in qualitative research
Qualitative market research has evolved into a serious and respected profession. This article gives an overview of the methods and techniques used in contemporary market research and when and why these techniques are applied.
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This contribution is a reply on the article ‘Methoden en technieken in kwalitatief onderzoek’, written by Judith van Male. Andriessen recognises the practise driven reality of the qualitative market researcher in which applicability of results is leading. In addition he suggests a way to incorporate science based knowledge into practice driven qualitative research.
Kwalitatief onderzoek in teststudio’s
By Uta MeierQualitative research in teststudiosQualitative research in teststudios
With respect to qualitative research teststudios are often preferred. In this article, criteria for an optimal teststudio are presented, respectively from the perspective of the respondents, the researcher and the client. It is argued that an optimal environment in teststudios contributes to more and better research data.
Vertrouwen in burgerperspectieven
Authors: Paul Dekker & Josje den RidderTrust in citizens’ outlooksTrust in citizens’ outlooks
Since 2008 the Netherlands Institute for Social Research | SCP conducts the Citizens’ Outlooks Barometer (COB), which explores current trends in public opinion in the Netherlands. In the COB quantitative and qualitative research methods are combined to signal trends and new issues, to explain group differences, and to investigate the feelings and arguments behind public concerns. We use focus groups and open-ended survey questions for qualitative research. A main topic in COB has been the development and diversity of trust in political institutions. By combining numbers and arguments, we have tried to put political trust in perspective (it is often more a diffuse image than a deep conviction) and give a better understanding of the (asymmetric) reasons for trust and for distrust. We deal with the usual problems of representation and generalization in qualitative research as good as we can by discussing interpretations in our diverse research team. A main challenge is now to develop more systematic and less time-consuming ways to analyze large sets of open answers in surveys.
Alert4you: monitoronderzoek naar de praktijk van samenwerking tussen kinderopvang en jeugdzorg
Authors: Cécile Chênevert, Marielle Balledux & Erik Jan de WildeAlert4you: monitoring study on the practice of collaboration between childcare and youth careAlert4you: monitoring study on the practice of collaboration between childcare and youth care
This article describes the monitor of the project Alert4you, conducted by the Netherlands Youth Institute. The project Alert4you is a collaboration between youth care and children’s day care. The project’s objective is earlier detection of unusual behaviour in children, providing better support tools to pedagogical staff and improving cooperation with parents. The article describes the monitor’s research design and results. In addition, the researchers describe the advantages of this research method.
De waarde van kwalitatieve strategieën voor het praktijkgericht onderzoek
More LessThe value of qualitative strategies for practice-oriented researchThe value of qualitative strategies for practice-oriented research
Mainstream methodology for quantitative and experimental research can’t come up to many demands of practice-oriented research. Qualitative research strategies often offer very good opportunities as to the accessibility of the object of practice-oriented research and to the utility of its results. However, what are needed is a fully practice-oriented researcher, as well as a further development of the methodology of qualitative causal research, of phenomenological oriented qualitative research strategies, and of qualitative research as a whole.
Authors: Chris Kuiper & Loes HouwelingReplyReply
This contribution is a reply on the article ‘De waarde van kwalitatieve strategieën voor het praktijkgericht onderzoek’, written by Piet J.M. Verschuren. Using the concepts of framing, indolence, dialogue and polyphonic causality Kuiper and Houweling aim at enriching the discourse of causality perceptions in qualitative research presented by Verschuren.
Zie de mens – een humanistische aanmaning aan het adres van de sociale wetenschappen
By Floor BastenBook reviewBook review
In this contribution the author reviews Using biographical methods in social research by B. Merrill and L. West.
Wat is onderzoek?
By Karin HannesBook reviewBook review
In this contribution the author reviews Wat is onderzoek? Praktijkboek methoden en technieken voor het hoger onderwijs by N. Verhoeven.
Stappenplan voor beginners
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In this contribution the author reviews Research methodology; A step-by-step guide for beginners by R. Kumar.
In memoriam prof. dr. Ilja Maso
By Adri SmalingIn memoriamIn memoriam
In memoriam prof. dr. Ilja Maso.
‘The fish don’t talk about the water’
By Kevin HainesNewsNews
The section News gives an overview of current events.
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