Volume 38, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 1384-6930
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7286


Media ‘à la carte’? The Media Consumption of Turkish and Moroccan adolescents in Flanders

Media ‘à la carte’? The Media Consumption of Turkish and Moroccan adolescents in Flanders

Media have an important impact on the day to day reality of adolescents. They often combine a variety of media sources and use traditional and new media simultaneously. Adolescents today are genuin media multi-taskers. We can only but assume there is no difference in that respect for adolescents from an ethnic minority group. However, the main question of this study is whether there exists a difference in the media use of Flemish and Turkish/Moroccan adolescents, of which the latter are moving between two cultures. This study focuses on the way Turkish/Moroccan adolescents in Flanders use traditional and new media in their every day life and what the impact is of socio demographic factors and their ethnic and cultural orientation such as language, religion and ethnic/cultural identity on that media use. By means of a survey we got an overview of the media that Turkish and Moroccan adolescents own as well as on how they use it. What is the role of media in their lives, how do they use it and what are their expectations? The results of a control group of Flemish adolescents are used as a benchmark.


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