oa Eeuwigheid, tijd en alwetendheid: Een antwoord aan Marcel Sarot
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 48, Issue 3, jul. 1994, p. 216 - 229
- 01 jul. 1994
In this paper we attack the arguments for Marcel Sarot’s claim that God cannot know the future in an absolute sense because of the nature of created reality. Sarot argued in favour of this claim in a recent issue of Tijdschrift voor Filosofie (1994). We argue that Sarot’s argument against a God existing in eternity - being a possible solution for the problem of God’s absolute foreknowledge - is flawed. Moreover, we argue that his arguments against God’s knowledge of the future developed from a consideration of the nature of reality are flawed as well. Finally, we show that a solution for the dilemma of absolute foreknowledge and free will can be provided without appealing to the concept of eternity.
© Eef Dekker & Nico den Bok