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- Volume 28, Issue 1, 2023
Nederlandse Letterkunde - Volume 28, Issue 1, 2023
Volume 28, Issue 1, 2023
- Artikelen
Schouder aan schouder. Over de droom van Ysabele in de Roman van Walewein
By Jelmar HugenAbstractThe Dutch Arthurian romance Walewein contains an intriguing dream passage in which the character Ysabele describes a handsome knight with on his shoulders the image of a maiden, wearing a coat of armor made from the hide of a lion and wielding in his hand a fire-breathing serpent. This article offers a theoretical explanation for the origin of these elements and their possible connection to the theme of kingship in the romance, suggesting the imagery was possibly inspired by the description of King Arthur in the Latin chronicle Historia Brittonum.
De schrijver als kindje van Cals
By Laurens HamAbstractThis article discusses the Authors’ Protest, organised by a group of Dutch literary writers in 1962-1963 to emphasize the need for governmental support for literature, and relates this protest to the debate on literary autonomy. The article follows Gisèle Sapiro’s proposal to distinguish between autonomy as a feature of the literary field and autonomy as the institutional recognition of professional authorship. This distinction is linked to the analysis of so-called polities or value regimes, a methodology introduced by Luc Boltanski and Laurent Thévenot. This methodology is a useful tool for analyzing value shifts and discussions about values in a domain such as the literary world. After a reconstruction of the wider debate about fair remuneration of authors (1955-1963), the analysis zooms in on the political as well as poetical debates about governmental support that writers were engaged in during the winter of 1962-1963. While the largest group of writers regarded government subsidies for literature as a means to gain more professional autonomy, a smaller group of writers feared that subsidies would let them lose their moral freedom. This debate was intertwined with a more fundamentally political discussion about the power that the state should exercise over the cultural field.
Een nieuw ontwerp voor het schrijfonderwijs in het schoolvak Nederlands
Authors: Els Stronks & Micha HamelAbstractIn this article, we argue that a new conceptual, pedagogical and didactic design is needed to foster the writing skills of Dutch high school students and to enhance their education in the Dutch language and culture. We present the first draft of such a new design, based on the needs of the various stakeholders (teachers, high school students, didactic experts) as well as the opportunities the teaching of writing skills holds out. Needs were inventoried through interviews with stakeholders and through a literature review of reports on the current state of the teaching of writing skills. Potential opportunities were identified by studying literature on the conceptual modelling of the writing process and by investigating pedagogic and didactic practices aimed at professional as well as creative writing teaching (both in international and historical contexts). Taken together, these new insights in current needs and potential opportunities resulted in a new design for teaching writing skills, as well a first proposal for a digital learning environment (http://SchrijfLab.nl) that will allow for testing of this design.
- Recensies
Gwennie Debergh, Nele Janssens en Lieselot De Taeye (red.), Oproer in de letteren. Sixties-protest in de Lage Landen. Gent, Academia Press, 2021, 276 pp. ISBN 9789401471558. Euro 34,90.
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Johan Sonnenschein en Kornee Van der Haven (red.), Barricadepoëzie. Lyrisch activisme sinds 1848. Berchem, EPO, 449 pp. ISBN 9789462673274. Euro 29,90.
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