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KWALON - Current Issue
Volume 29, Issue 3, 2024
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- Essay, debat en dialoog
Onderwijsonderzoek met een mandje: Fisher, LeGuin en Haraway over theorie en praktijk
More LessAbstractA carrier bag praxis of educational research. Fisher, LeGuin and Haraway and their approach to theory and practice
In the context of the question concerning the gap between theory and practice, the author explores another approach of educational research, distinctive from the dominant discourse in contemporary education theory; an approach inspired by Donna Haraway’s reception of Ursula LeGuin’s carrier bag theory of fiction. Alongside the techno-scientific discourse of calculation and control – which is like hunting with a spear – another practice of doing research is highlighted, oriented toward connectedness, response-ability and ongoingness in the living practice of education. It is called a carrier bag approach to doing research, as it is practiced in anthropological and phenomenological traditions.
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De rol van theorie in kwalitatief onderzoek
More LessAbstractThe role of theory in qualitative research
The role of theory in qualitative research is completely different from that in quantitative research. It is also a continuous source of debate. In this article, the role of theory in qualitative research is clarified by discussing its role related to a) the conceptual or theoretical framework for conducting a qualitative study; b)- the choice for a theory-method approach, or the choice for a particular approach to qualitative research: c) the choice for a particular method of data collection or analysis. In qualitative research theoretical concepts are never leading, rather these are formulated as sensitizing concepts which can become more definite at the end of the research. The theory-method approach in qualitative research shows the influence of paradigmatic thinking, and it has impact on how research is carried out. The choice for a particular type of data-collection, for instance by semi-structured interviews, and for a particular type of data-analysis, for instance coding, influences the results and the perspective that is given about the studied reality. It is concluded that theory does play a role in qualitative research. It is guided by paradigmatic ways of thinking that supports in unravelling the (underlying) network structures of meanings of which groups of persons or persons make use of in everyday life.
Het kwantitatief-kwalitatief onderscheid als ideaaltypisch model in het sociaalwetenschappelijk onderzoek
More LessAbstractThe quantitative-qualitative distinction as an ideal-typical model in social scientific research
In this essay, an argument is made to reconsider the quantitative-qualitative distinction in social science research. To make this argument clear, three main issues are discussed: 1) quantitative and qualitative scientific research can generally be seen as a specific form of problem-solving; whereby 2) the dual mental-empirical character of human reality in the formulation of the problem and the conduct of the research as a systemic whole of both perspectives is recognized and applied; and 3) the choice for a more quantitative and/or qualitative approach is not, or at least not solely, determined by the interpretive versus causal nature of the problem statement, but more broadly by the intended scope and/or depth of the evidence. Based on a clarification of these three issues, it is concluded that the quantitative-qualitative distinction can be conceived of as an ideal-typical model. In the everyday research practice, there is a large diversity of good quantitative-qualitative mixed forms. Therefore, a choice between the two research practices cannot be conceived of as being mutually exclusive alternatives on a one-dimensional dimension. Rather, it concerns a flexible choice for the optimal mix of these alternatives in relation to the specific problem within a system.
- In het spoor van Malinowski
Het omarmen van betrokkenheid en reciprociteit in etnografisch onderzoek met people-on-the-move
By Jill StigterAbstractEmbracing engagement and reciprocity in ethnographic research with people-on-the-move
During my ethnographic fieldwork in Thessaloniki, Greece, I explored the harmful effects of European and Greek migration control policies on people-on-the-move. Through observations and interviews, I witnessed systemic discrimination and violence, which led me to question my ‘neutral stance’ as a researcher. In this contribution, I advocate for a more engaged and reciprocal approach in ethnographic research with people-on-the-move. This approach emphasizes the importance of recognising and respecting the autonomy of research participants, showing them empathy, and giving back to them. By moving away from a purely ‘neutral’ stance as a researcher, we can produce richer, more authentic data and foster ethical research practices that better address the complexities and human aspects of migration.
- Onderzoek in de Praktijk
Praktijkervaringen met ‘researcher-participant positionality’ in gerontologisch migratieonderzoek: een intersectionele bril als handvat
More LessAbstractField experiences with ‘researcher-participant positionality’ in gerontological migration research: An intersectional lens as a tool.
As a result of (labour) migration streams and globalization, our population is becoming more diverse. This is not only in terms of migration background but also in terms of other sources of diversity such as age, gender, housing, place of residence, and language. Therefore, it is important for researchers, especially in qualitative research, to be aware of their positionality towards participants regarding these sources of diversity. To do so, the literature often refers to the distinction between being an ‘insider’ or ‘outsider’. However, such a static notion does not suffice to capture the dynamic nature of researcher-participant positionality throughout an interview. Hence, in this article, I will discuss my experiences of dynamic and subjective positionality in qualitative research with older migrants. Based on this, I refer to intersectionality as a lens and tool that can be used to become aware of researcher-participant positionality during data collection and analysis.
- Onderzoek in de praktijk
De behangrolmethode: synthese van ongelijksoortige gegevens in meervoudige gevalsstudies naar weerbarstige praktijkvraagstukken
Authors: Jeroen S. Rozendaal, Christa Teurlings & Niek van den BergAbstractThe wallpaper method. Synthesis of idiosyncratic data in multiple case studies into wicked problems
Research collaboration between practitioners and research professionals aims to develop both practice and knowledge. However, a tension can arise between these objectives: to preserve local relevance, the content, form, and timing of data collection may vary between cases, complicating the comparability of local data in a multiple case study. Our Research-Practice Partnership found a solution in the ‘wallpaper method,’ which enriches the Storyline-method with elements from reflexive monitoring and arts-based research. A distinctive feature of the wallpaper method is cumulative joint reflection and interpretation based on previously collected local data. In this contribution, we illustrate the various phases and steps of the method with experiences from our own research in which it was developed and tested. The method resulted in both practice development and an overarching conceptual model. Effective application of the method requires a wide range of professional and research competencies from the collaboration partners. Adequate time and attention are necessary to prepare a partnership for this.
Sphere Transgression Watch: van filosofische theorie naar interactieve database
Authors: Marthe Stevens, Lotje Siffels & Tamar SharonAbstractSphere Transgression Watch: from philosophical theory to interactive database Over the past decade, large technology companies have expanded into societal sectors where they were traditionally not active, such as healthcare, education, and agriculture. We argue that this expansion can be understood as a series of sphere transgressions, where the (legitimate) advantages that these companies have acquired within the digital sphere are translated into unfair advantages and influence in other societal sectors with profound consequences. To document and visualize the growing influence of these companies, we developed the interactive database Sphere Transgression Watch. In this contribution, we reflect on the conceptual and technical challenges we encountered during the development of the database. We discuss how key decisions — such as data selection, the visualization, and the normative framing of the interface — were shaped by our theoretical lens, while also exploring how the development process in turn refined our understanding of sphere transgressions. The contribution ends with practical suggestions for other researchers who want to translate theoretical concepts into practical tools.
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Volume 29 (2024)
Volume 28 (2023)
Volume 27 (2022)
Volume 26 (2021)
Volume 25 (2020)
Volume 24 (2019)
Volume 23 (2018)
Volume 22 (2017)
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