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- Volume 51, Issue 2, 2013
Internationale Neerlandistiek - Volume 51, Issue 2, 2013
Volume 51, Issue 2, 2013
Huisbeelden in de moderne Nederlandstalige poëzie - Een cognitieve benadering
More LessThis article explores images of the house in Dutch language poetry from the postwar period. On the one hand, the archetypical notion of the house has always had an established place in poetry. It is connected to the meaning of house as a building and especially as an imaginative house or a home. On the other hand, the house is a rich metaphorical concept used for explaining poetical ideas. In a historical survey of modern poetry, different images of the house are presented. The overview shows that the choice of certain metaphorical concepts is connected to literary and extra-literary contexts, and to the poetical ideas of poets. Conceptual integration – Blending Theory – is used in this paper as a theoretical frame. From this perspective a poem is seen as a complex blend, a network of connections which are constructed during the reading and interpreting processes.
Variatie, conventies en verandering - Zeventiende- en achttiende-eeuwse buitgemaakte brieven onder de loep
Authors: Marijke Wal, van der & Gijsbert RuttenThis contribution focuses on the historical sociolinguistic research conducted within the Brieven als Buit/Letters as Loot programme at Leiden University (www.brievenalsbuit.nl). At the core of this research are seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Dutch private letters, confiscated by the English during times of warfare. The socio-historical linguistic value of these letters, kept in the National Archives (Kew, UK), will be shown when discussing the autograph status of texts, and examining the specific cases of formulaic language and of forms of address. These three issues are illustrated by presenting two seventeenth-century letters sent from New Netherlands shortly after the historic event of the English taking over. Furthermore, the importance of a reliable electronic corpus, built according to LIP (the Leiden Identification Procedure), will come to the fore. Exploring such a corpus results in unprecedented insights into variation, conventions and in particular, changes of both formulae and forms of address.
Het Nederlandse Hongarije-beeld in de twintigste eeuw in historisch perspectief
Authors: Gyöngyvér Lukács, László Marácz & Jan D. Thije, tenIn this paper, we discuss the representation of Hungary and Hungarians in the Netherlands. The focus is on the comparison between two Hungarian historical turning points that received a great deal of attention in the Dutch as well as international press: the Uprising of 1956 and the System Change in 1989-90. The main questions we investigate are: is there a difference in the representation of Hungary and Hungarians in Dutch newspapers between the Uprising and the System Change? How can these differences in the perception of Hungary and Hungarians be traceable? Finally, to what extent does the representation of Hungary and Hungarians in Dutch media change according to the historical contexts in both Hungary and the Netherlands?
Ter leering ende vermaeck - Kroniek van het Nederlands als vreemde taal
More LessIn de IN van mei 2011 verscheen de kroniek van het NVT onder de titel ‘Deel 1, 2 en 3’ over leergangen die alle niveaus aanbieden, waarmee studenten en cursisten van niveau 0 tot en met B2 kunnen doorleren volgens één bepaald en vertrouwd stramien. Het jaar 2012 was het jaar van het afronden. CODE Plus, de opvolger van Code! is inmiddels compleet, evenals Contact!