oa De invloed van rechtvaardigheid op werkuitkomsten: een longitudinaal perspectief
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 20, Issue 4, dec. 2007,
The effects of justice on work outcomes: a longitudinal perspective
J.F. Ybema, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 20, November 2007, nr. 4, pp. 409-426
A longitudinal three-wave study among 1597 employees examines how procedural and distributive justice are related to job satisfaction and burnout (emotional exhaustion). It was predicted that perceived justice and work outcomes mutually influence each other over time. In line with these predictions, distributive injustice enhanced burnout a year later, whereas burnout in turn enhanced future procedural injustice. Furthermore, procedural justice and job satisfaction mutually augmented each other: higher procedural justice enhanced job satisfaction a year later, and higher job satisfaction also enhanced future procedural justice. This research confirms the importance of justice in organizations as a means to enhance wellbeing of people at work.