oa Inscripties lezen
Schrift en taal van de epigrafie
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Lampas, Volume 54, Issue 1, jan. 2021, p. 137 - 160
This contribution contains brief, introductory guidance on how to read Greek inscriptions. It discusses basic aspects of early Greek scripts, in particular the ‘light-blue’ alphabet of Athens as it was in use until the end of the 5th century BCE. Also included are sections on scriptio continua, punctuation, and numericals. Furthermore, some information is offered on spelling, phonology, morphology and syntax. Finally, the discourse units of a prototypical Athenian decree are analysed and related to underlying political procedures.
© Mathieu de Bakker
akrophonic numerical system;
Greek epigraphy;
honorific decrees;
local Greek scripts;
orthographical variation