Volume 57, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 0165-8204
  • E-ISSN: 2667-1573



This article discusses two famous ekphraseis, the Shield of Achilles ( 18.478-608) and the Goatherd’s Cup (Theocritus, 1.27-60). It is shown that both ekphraseis can be interpreted metapoetically. In Homer’s shield ekphrasis the creative powers of the Homeric narrator and the divine smith merge. This merging has been carefully prepared by the narrator. The last scene on the shield makes clear that art plays an important role in the life of humans. The ekphrasis also shows what the narrator regards as the proper response to (his) art. The ekphrasis of the cup in Theocritus’ first is full of metapoetical references. The last scene on the cup can be regarded as the most important, because it demonstrates the central role that poetry and thus art should have in human life. The cup is a marvel and so is Theocritus’ poetry: both are worthy of admiration. The relationship between word and image in both ekphraseis can be seen as complementary or paragonal. The paragonal element is especially strong in the ekphrasis of the goatherd’s cup.


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