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- Volume 33, Issue 2, 2024
European Journal of Theology - Volume 33, Issue 2, 2024
Volume 33, Issue 2, 2024
- Editorial
- Article
Introduction: Insider and Outsider Perspectives in Research on Revivalist Protestantism
More LessAbstractThis introduction to the theme of the present issue highlights current questions in the study of revivalist Protestantism and illustrates these with reference to two conferences from 2023, which provide the starting point for reflections on insider and outsider perspectives. A first conference of the GBFE network worked on the topic of Being spiritual while doing research and a second conference of the European Academy of Religion on Religion from the inside. Following this, the seven contributions in this issue on revivalist Protestantism are presented and orientated towards the overarching theme of the issue. The article concludes with further research perspectives for the field arising from these articles.
A Matter of Perspective? The Emic and Etic Assessment of the Emergence of the First Free Evangelical Church in the Nineteenth Century in Germany
More LessSummaryAs a church historian, in this article I use the distinction between the ‘etic’ and the ‘emic’ perspective to analyse the historiography of the early Free Evangelical Churches in Germany. The first Free Evangelical Church was founded in Wuppertal in 1854 by Hermann Heinrich Grafe and its first historian was Heinrich Neviandt. Because church history examines the inner-worldly and at the same time other-worldly subject of ‘the Church’, I am arguing that the emic and the etic method and their respective possibilities should be differentiated and then used. The categories ‘etic’ and ‘emic’ do not determine right and wrong, real and unreal, true and untrue. Rather, their transfer from anthropology to historical research creates possibilities to describe the perspective from which scholars make their observations, as the work of Wolfgang Heinrichs shows. The two perspectives do not contradict one another and their distinction enables us to trace inner-worldly processes more clearly without resorting to God too quickly. Determining the driving forces behind history will remain the task of faith-based scholarship.
William Schauffler: Missionary, Networker, Bible Translator, Orientalist
More LessZusammenfassungDer in Stuttgart geborene und in Odessa aufgewachsene Wilhelm Schauffler bekehrte sich als junger Mann unter der Verkündigung des von der Allgäuer Erweckungsbewegung geprägten katholischen Priesters Ignaz Lindl. Später sah er sich zum Judenmissionar in Konstantinopel berufen, schob aber eine theologische Ausbildung in Amerika ein, bevor er sich als Missionar und Bibelübersetzer in Konstantinopel niederließ. Schauffler ist mit recht als einer der wichtigeren Gestalten und Netzwerker der Erweckungsbewegung des 19. Jahrhunderts anzusehen. Der Beitrag stellt Leben und Werk Schaufflers vor und leistet durch die Vorstellung dieser in Vergessenheit geratenen Persönlichkeit einen Beitrag zur Erforschung der Erweckungsbewegung des 19. Jahrhundert.
The ‘1859’ Revival in Ireland: Episodes and Evaluations
More LessSummaryThe revival that came to Ireland, especially the north of Ireland, in 1859, had a major impact and created much interest. Over 150 years later, the significance of this revival is still being talked about and studied. This article looks at the background to what happened, gives space to some of the voices in the revival, and covers both advocates and critics. Much of the evidence on which the article draws is primary source material from the time of the revival or soon afterwards. The influence in different denominations is examined. After utilising testimonies and opinions from the time of the events, subsequent studies, largely scholarly studies, that have a bearing on the revival are considered. The intention of the article is to bring together various strands that help to give an understanding of the episodes themselves and the way these have been evaluated.
Perspectives on Christian Revivals and Societal Change
Authors: Truls Liland, John Daniel Andersen & Jan Inge JenssenAbstractChurch historians have long studied revivals, and this phenomenon has recently received renewed attention as a result of contemporary Western revivals. However, little interdisciplinary research within a theological framework has explored how revivals can lead to positive societal changes. The purpose of this article is to investigate this relationship from an Evangelical-Pentecostal perspective that draws on historical and organisational leadership studies. In part one, revival is defined theologically as a restoration of authentic Christian spirituality which consists of orthopathy, orthodoxy and orthopraxy. We then suggest a three-level quantitative conception of revivals as 1) individual renewal, 2) local revival, and 3) national awakenings. In part two, we study two particular cases, viz. the Haugean revival in the 1800s and the Norwegian Pentecostal movement in the 1900s, in order to identify key factors, mechanisms and conditions that may cause or prevent societal changes. In part three, we provide a tentative model that includes leadership and organisational perspectives.
Protestant Free Churches and Social Responsibility: Developments and Principles for Defining the Relationship Between Church and Society
By Markus IffZusammenfassungDieser Artikel denkt nach über die Beziehung zwischen Gemeinde und Gesellschaft aus der Perspektive der Evangelischen Freikirchen in Deutschland und möchte zu Fortschritt in der Auseinandersetzung zu diesem Thema anregen. Untersucht wird die Wechselwirkung zwischen theologischer Selbständigkeit und sozialer Verantwortung. In den Blick kommen ebenfalls die Grundsätze von Religions- und Gewissensfreiheit, die sowohl Kirche als auch Gesellschaft herausfordern, sowie deren Folgen für den Einfluss, die Gemeinden in einer pluralistischen Gesellschaft auszuüben trachten. Der Artikel schlussfolgert, dass die Trennung zwischen Staat und Kirche, die Absonderung der Gemeinde von der Welt wie auch der Missionsauftrag, das Evangelium zu verkündigen, und der Dienst an Menschen und Gesellschaft lebenswichtig sind für die Identität der freikirchlichen Gemeinden, auch wenn man im 21. Jahrhundert neu über solche Themen nachdenkt.
Tendencies of Social Form in Some New Evangelical and Pentecostal Movements
Authors: Gero Menzel & Caroline SosnaSummaryIn this essay we explore the structure of two new Christian movements that emerged as a result of a blending of Evangelicalism and Pentecostalism. These movements are ICF and C3, which we study in their German as well as European context. We triangulate theoretical concepts, our own empirical research and existing research on these movements. Referring to the theoretical framework of refiguration, we discuss the potential of the concepts ‘eventisation’, ‘movement’ and ‘scenefication’ from the sociology of religion as frameworks for understanding these typical movements. Our analysis of social form leads to reflections on the adaptability of concepts from confessional studies, such as confessional markers and congregationalism, in relation to the non-denominational self-description of these so-called lifestyle churches. In our conclusion, we explore implications and perspectives of the organisational shift caused by these emerging movements.
The Study of Evangelicalism: Limits and Potential of Emic and Etic Perspectives on a Growing Field of Research
More LessZusammenfassungVorliegender Artikel stellt neue Diskurse in der Evangelikalismusforschung im deutschen Sprachraum vor. Im Fokus sind unterschiedliche Sichtweisen und Standpunkte im schöpferischen Spannungsfeld zwischen Theologie und Religionswissenschaft. Nachgezeichnet wird die von angelsächsischen Beiträgen dominierte Forschungsgeschichte der evangelikalen Bewegung unter Berücksichtigung ausgewählter deutschsprachiger Veröffentlichungen. Diese werden dann in Kontrast gesetzt zu Gegenwartsmeinungen aus dem Bereich der deutschsprachigen Religionswissenschaft. Der Artikel fragt nach weitergehenden Perspektiven, die die Dichotomie zwischen emischen Innenorientierungen und etischen Außenorientierungen in der Forschungsperspektive überwinden, wie sie oft in der deutschsprachigen Evangelikalismusforschung vorzufinden sind.
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