Volume 27, Issue 3
  • E-ISSN: 1388-1302


Abstract EN

The six published studies from the dissertation discussed in this article, resulted in a number of findings that are also relevant to practice: (1) Leaders can influence work engagement substantially in direct and indirect ways; (2) Employee perceptions about leadership are important for work engagement; (3) Positive leadership styles share four characteristics, i.e., a focus on morality (e.g. visible in decisions made), role-modeling behavior, a focus on positive relationships with employees, and supporting employees’ psychological needs; (4) Well-being of leaders is also important for leadership, in addition leaders’ need for competence has a direct impact on that of employees; (5) Mindfulness contributes to transformational leadership because it helps to fulfill leaders’ psychological needs, especially through increased relatedness; (6) Leader attentive communication is relevant to employee wellbeing. A table with practical recommendations can be found at the end of the article.


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